Today was a fairly uneventful drive, with the exception of I-15 along Salt Lake City. I experienced the worst road conditions and the most ridiculous driving behavior I can recall. It was fairly miserable and I'm glad it was a short segment of the day's drive.
Scenery was pleasant and the road wide open aside from SLC. There were some stretches that were pretty barren. I talked to Mike during a quick pit stop and when he asked me where I was. I was along a stretch of I-70 that didn't have any services, but of course that answer wouldn't have sufficiently satisfied my snark gene. My answer was "I'm not sure, I see brown dirt, gray dirt, red dirt, yellow dirt and mountains in the distance." Clearly, I was kinda over it for the moment.
The van drives really comfortably, except for how it handles in wind. I'm pretty comfortable swaying with a headwind, but a strong crosswind sets off my emergency alerts and breaking features. Trying to recover from a gust while alarms are beeping, the wheel is turning me back into the lane and the breaks are pulsating... not a ton of fun. Other than that, backing, accounting for the length, etc. is not a problem. Parking hasn't been a big issue. If single spots aren't long enough, I can almost always find a spot to pull through. Width isn't a problem since we don't have a model with a built out coach. We've only had to get creative and park in a nearby residential neighborhood once in Portland.